3GDC and 3GNY would like to invite other 3G’s along with our friends and supporters to learn how to become the best allies we can be for the Black Community. In two engaging and interactive Zoom experiences led by Peter Nelson (former Director of the NY office of Facing History and Ourselves and 10 year educational coach for 3GNY’s WEDU program).
Part One: Defining Systemic Racism and Its Impact
Thursday, July 9 at 7:30PM ET
Part one of our series is geared towards those who want to learn about the issues at hand in a judgment free zone. How has systemic racism affected the Black Community? What does being anti-racist mean? Peter Nelson will lead this interactive program by presenting some key concepts and questions for discussion with time dedicated to small group breakout sessions facilitated by 3GNY and 3GDC members. Once you have attended this Zoom, we encourage you to register for the second part of this series (see below) to discuss what specific actions you can take to show up for the Black Community.